Welcome to the Onboarding

Let's Begin Crafting Your AI Agents for Automation

By providing detailed information during this onboarding process, you'll help us tailor AI agents specifically for your automation needs. Please read and fill out the information carefully to start your journey towards automated efficiency.


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This questionnaire aims to understand your business's current position and future goals.

Your responses will guide us in crafting a tailored strategy for you. Answering these questions thoroughly allows us to better assess your business needs. Let's begin!
Your Name(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)
Company / Brand Name
WhatsApp, Telegram

Section 2: Business Overview

This is your space to share what you do, what you sell, and who you sell to. Understanding your products, services, and target audience is crucial in crafting a strategy that hits the mark.
[What are the primary activities of your business?]
[ List and Describe Your Products/Services]
[Describe Your Target Audience]
[List Your Sales Channels e.g., Online Store, Physical Store, etc.]

Section 3: Current Marketing & Sales Strategies

This is your space to share what you do, what you sell, and who you sell to. Understanding your products, services, and target audience is crucial in crafting a strategy that hits the mark.
[List Your Current Marketing Strategies]
[List Your Current Marketing Strategies]
[List Your Current Marketing Strategies]
[Provide a Description of Your Sales Process]
[List Any CRM or Sales Software] Facebook, LinkedIn, Shopify, WordPress, Google.
[Describe Your Lead Generation Methods] e,g, Paid ads, SEO, cold outreach, etc.
[Provide Your Conversion Rate] "What are the best and worse performing indicators you currently monitor?" e.g. ROAS, click rate, visits, daily tickets/agent. etc.

Section 4: Sales Offers and Assets

Now let’s dive into the heart of your sales strategy! This section is all about understanding what you’re currently putting out there to attract and convert your customers. Your sales offers, promotions, and any existing marketing materials play a crucial role in how we can optimize and enhance your performance. Let’s break it down:
[Provide Details] Example: "I want to sell product X during season Y, targeting market Z." Here, we want to know the specifics. What’s on sale? Any bundle deals? Limited-time promotions? Understanding the structure of your current offers helps us identify opportunities for improvement and innovation.
[Provide Details] Example: "I want to sell product X during season Y, targeting market Z." [Yes/No, Details if Yes] If you’ve got brochures, flyers, digital ads, or any other promotional material, let us know! Even past materials can be helpful. This gives us a starting point and inspiration on how we can enhance and align your promotional content.
Max. file size: 512 MB.

Section 5: Goals & Expectations

🎯 Setting clear goals and expectations is vital. Tell us what success looks like for you with your project," and highlight any specific areas you’re hoping to improve.
[List and Describe Your Goals]
[Describe Your Expectations]
[Describe the Specific Area for Improvement]

Section 6: Budget & Resources

💰 Let's talk numbers. Understanding your budget and available resources helps us create a plan that’s both effective and economical, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck.
[Provide Your Budget for the project/campaign]
[List and Describe Any Specific Resources]

Section 7: Additional Information

➕ Anything else you’d like to add? This is your space to share any additional information, thoughts, or concerns that haven’t been covered in the previous sections.
[Provide Any Additional Information] Please send all the important material, references, PDF, Dossier, Brief, Logos in various formats.

Submission & Next Steps

Once you have completed this questionnaire, please submit it. Our team will review your responses and get in touch with you within [insert time frame] to discuss the next steps and how we can tailor for your project to meet your specific needs and goals. By filling out this comprehensive questionnaire, clients provide invaluable insights that enable the team to create a tailored and effective strategy, ensuring a successful start.

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Stockholm, Sweden | +46 70 754 75 56